Born: Around 1490
Died: Around 1559
From: Extremadura, Spain
What country did he represent: Spain
List places he explored: Arizona and New Mexico
List accomplishments: made two trips to America the first one he was the first European explorer to cross America on foot. The second one he discovered Mexico
Interactions with indigenous people: After living with Native Americans for six years, Cabeza de Vaca had undergone a change of mind, coming to regard Native Americans as men. For the historian David Howard, a key factor in Cabeza de Vaca’s understanding of the Native Americans’ humanness was religion as he beheld his need for God, he saw that same need among the Native Americans as well, opening his eyes to their shared humanity.
Other interesting facts: * His parents died when he was a young boy, so he moved in with is aunt and uncle. * During his teenage years he was appointed chamberlain for the house of a noble family, and he later served the household in a war in Italy where he fought with distinction.
Explain your position: I think Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca is a Hero
State 3 facts that support your opinion
1.Because he discovered Mexico
2. He was the first European explorer to cross America on foot.
3.He explored Arizona and New Mexico
I think Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca is a hero, and these are my facts to prove it.