Follicular Phase
↓ Est, ↓ Prog → ___ FSH release
FSH → granulosa cells secrete ____
The major follicle will secrete the most estrogen and inhibin which will have a negative inhibition on FSH, LH and GnRH release (this will allow a greater chance of only one follicle maturing)
When Est levels are highest → will switch to a positive feedback and stimulates ↑↑ secretion of LH, FSH and GnRH. Meanwhile, the follicle is also secreting a little Prog which stimulates GnRH and ↑ LH release even more
↑↑↑ LH or LH surge will occur which will trigger _______________.
Ovulation ovulation occurs around Day 14 → when the follicle bursts and releases the oocyte
↓ FSH, ↓ LH
↓ Est, ↓ Prog ruptured follicle is converted to __________________
Luteal Phase
CL will release Prog → thickening and maintenance of uterine lining
What causes the CL to die?
No CL means ↓ Prog which will cause the lining of the uterus to break down and initiate ______________. because of ↓ hormones, there will be no negative feedback, so GnRH can be secreted again and restart the follicular phase
Uterine Cycle
Proliferative Phase
Draw an arrow indicating the levels of the following hormones at this phase: ___ Est, ___ inhibin, ___ Prog
What causes growth and thickening of the endometrial lining?
Secretory Phase
↑ secretory glands and blood vessels
Which layer of the uterus is shed?
Gestation (when baby it still in womb)
If prolactin (PRL) is already being released, why does the mother not lactate?
What triggers lactation after the baby is born?
Draw what a developing follicle looks like with the oocyte and appropriate “helper” cells included.
Give a simple diagram showing the oxytocin positive feedback loop that occurs during labor.