Friday, December 06, 2013
Saadaf Mohsin
Gurjot Randhawa
Manvir Benipal
Mrs. J. Chohan
Dissecting animals helps students better understand the anatomy of, in this case, a fetal pig, and helps us prepare for what University has to offer, depending on what one will study.
The purpose of the fetal pig dissection was to understand the scientific process of dissection and gain hands-on experience of the internal and external anatomy of the fetal pig. In addition to this, the fetal pig dissection helps students better interpret the relative position and sizes of organs, as well relation between organ and organ system.
Gurjot, Manvir and I had hypothesized that the fetal pig's internal systems should be slightly alike, due to the fact that pigs are on the same level food chain as us humans.
Safety goggles (opt.)
Plastic lab apron (opt.)
Non-latex gloves
Preserved fetal pigs
Dissecting tray
Antibacterial soap
Measuring tape
Paper towels dissecting pins blunt probe
Basic diagram of sections of fetal pig
1. Use string to measure pig from tip of snout to base of tail. The table below determines age via length.
Length of String (cm)
Age of pig
0-10 cm
20 days
10-20 cm
30-35 days
20-30 cm
45-50 days
40-50 cm
55 days
100 cm
70 days
150 cm
80 days
200 cm
100 days
300 cm
120 days
2. Place fetal pig on back, exposing the dorsal surface. Then, tie the pig for ease of dissection therefore it willn't move during dissection.
3. Determine sex of pig. Sex of pig can easily be determined through viewing posterior view of pig. If one sees the scrotal sac, he is a male. If one sees a genital papilla, she is a female.
4. To effectively expose the inner organs of the fetal pig, make 5 incision cuts:
INCISION 1: 10-15cm incision in front of umbilical cord towards head.