As it was indicated by FASB, the main purpose of financial reporting is to provide financial information about company performance. The income statement is one of the most important financial statements because of its predictive value and qualitative characteristics. The income statement is also known as profit and loss statement that records company revenues and expenses during a certain period of time. The reason the income statement has very high importance is because it can determine the company’s operating performance during a specific period of time. “Specific items that are causing unexpected expenditures can be pinpointed, such as phone, fax, mail, or supply expenses. Income statements can also track dramatic increases in product returns or cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales” (Business Town, 2010). Also because it provides so much important information about the business, the income statement is required by lenders, investors, and vendors. There are many users that can make their business decisions based on an income statement of the organization. The bank can use income statement information to determine if a company produces enough
As it was indicated by FASB, the main purpose of financial reporting is to provide financial information about company performance. The income statement is one of the most important financial statements because of its predictive value and qualitative characteristics. The income statement is also known as profit and loss statement that records company revenues and expenses during a certain period of time. The reason the income statement has very high importance is because it can determine the company’s operating performance during a specific period of time. “Specific items that are causing unexpected expenditures can be pinpointed, such as phone, fax, mail, or supply expenses. Income statements can also track dramatic increases in product returns or cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales” (Business Town, 2010). Also because it provides so much important information about the business, the income statement is required by lenders, investors, and vendors. There are many users that can make their business decisions based on an income statement of the organization. The bank can use income statement information to determine if a company produces enough