Student Exploration: Pollination: Flower to Fruit
Vocabulary: anther, cross pollination, filament, fruit, nectar, ovary, ovule, pedicel, petal, pistil, pollen, pollen tube, pollination, receptacle, self pollination, sepal, stamen, stigma, style
Prior Knowledge Question (Do this BEFORE using the Gizmo.)
Plants use sunlight to produce sugar. Flowering plants make some of this sugar available to animals in the form of nectar (a sweet liquid found in flowers) and fruit.
1. Why do plants provide bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other animals with nectar?
So they can be pollinized by them.
2. Why do plants provide animals with fruits such as strawberries, apples, and mangoes?
So when their taking them the nutrients can be recycled for the plants.
Gizmo Warm-up
Plants don’t produce nectar and delicious fruit just to be nice. As you will learn, bees and other pollinators play a critical role in helping plants to reproduce. Fruits play a role in allowing plants to spread to new locations.
The Pollination: Flower to Fruit Gizmo™ will take you through the reproductive cycle of flowering plants. To familiarize yourself with some of the parts of a flower, begin on the IDENTIFICATION tab.
1. Look at the list of Flower Parts on the left. Which of these parts have you heard of before?
2. On the Closed view, drag the Petal, Pedicel, and Sepal terms into the correct spaces. (Use trial and error.) Turn on Show information about selected parts of the flower.
A. Which structure protects a maturing bud? Sepal
B. Which structure is a stalk that supports a single flower? Predicel
|Activity A: |Get the Gizmo ready: |[pic] |
| |On the IDENTIFICATION tab, select Opened view.