Required literature: Tales of the British Isles, English or Scottish Popular Ballads, Mother Goose Rhymes, On Fairy Tales (by J.R.R. Tolkien)
Видение креста; Genesis B / Древнеанглийская поэзия. М., 1982. Сс. 27-28, 81-90.
Brodey K., Malgaretti F. Focus on English and American Literature. M., 2003. Pp.7-10, 31-32.
Supplementary literature: Драйден Дж. О драматической поэзии.
Мэлори Т. Смерть Артура.
Скотт В. Вводные замечания о народной поэзии…(предисловие) // Собр. соч. в 20 тт. М., 1965. Т.20, сс.653-692.
Tolkien J.R.R. The Homeconing of Beornhthoth.
1. Describe the Folk tales of Great Britain as product of an oral literary art: their essence and distinctive features; purpose; classification; structure; types of characters. Provide the examples.
Folklore is the body of verbal expressive culture, including tales, legends, oral history, proverbs, popular beliefs current among a particular population. Folk customs, legends, and beliefs are regarded as an expression by a nation of its desires, attitudes, and cultural values. Folk heroes are said to reflect the civilization from which they spring. Many theories have arisen to explain folk tales: they interpreted them as corrupted cosmic allegories; considered them as personified elements of nature; held them to be survivals from a savage society. Folklore has become increasingly important in understanding the history of mankind.
2. Speak about the ballad as a story in dramatic form, enumerate typical features of traditional ballad verse and provide examples of the works belonging to this genre of literature.
Ballads -folk poetry- were carefully collected and printed in the middle of the 18th c. Most of the ballads originally belonged to the later Middle Ages, to some unknown wandering minstrels. As they were told and retold, ballads changed because listeners sometimes forgot lines or improvised their own. Gradually there came to be many versions of a single story. This early poetry of