• from one grade classroom to another;
• from one school to another;
• from one program to another; or
• from school to postsecondary, college, vocational program, or other program. http://learningdisabilities.about.com/od/su/g/transition.htm Students who are at this stage in their lives should consider these steps:
Map Your Path
Choosing a college or career shouldn't be like a game of chance. It should be based on careful planning. A transition plan will help you take control of your future.
Make a Map
Determine your destination. Get to know yourself better by answering questions about your immediate and future situation and career goals you have for yourself.
Look at all aspects of the degree program that you choose and determine if you will be able to fulfill all of the degree requirements. Determine if your disability affects your ability to complete the requirements. If so, discuss possible accommodations prior to starting the program.
Learn About Your Options
Consider all possible routes you can take to reach your goal as you plan your trip. Narrow down your options by identifying your four-year college choices and comparing them.
• Where can you get information on academic programs of interest to you? What schools offer the program you need?
• What disability-related accommodations and services will you need to be successful? In college, as well as on the job, you are expected to advocate for yourself. You should know what you need to succeed, then find out how to get it. You are the expert! Make a list of all the things that you feel are important for your school to provide. This list should include things in areas such as: o degree programs o financial aid o campus accessibility o disability services o library support services o computer and network access o tutoring o work study and internships o campus climate