Their way of life also helped them gain medical knowledge. The River Nile was crucial to them surviving on the dry deserts. Once a year the river flooded, it gave their fields the nutrients needed to grow crops. To keep their crops growing all year round they developed a channel system, they dug irrigation ditches and used pipes to get the water from the Nile to their fields. This inspired an analogy, they figured that being as their crops would die if they water couldn't get to them; that it would harm the body if blood couldn't travel round it. The conclusion was then came to that, the human body was also full of channels, that carried fluids to the vital organs. If a channel in the body got blocked, it would cause problems. This was crucial to medicine, as it was the first thought of practical cures for illness. It was thought, that to unblock the vessels purging, vomiting and bleeding should be used.
However their religious beliefs also prevented them from making any more medical advances. They treated the corpses too well, and did not examine them as they thought they were