Extended case study
Australian Beverages Ltd—Pre-seen case study information
A - Introduction to Australian Beverages Ltd
- 1937, Australian Beverages Ltd (ABL) commenced manufacturing soft drinks [non-alcoholic drinks rather than ‘hard’ drinks that contain alcohol].
- 1970s and 1980s, the company expanded beverage portfolio by entering into other non-alcoholic beverage categories, such as fruit- and milkbased drinks.
- 2011, the company was Australia’s largest supplier of non-alcoholic beverages.
- -Tom Dwyer, current Managing Director since 2008.
- Joined the company at a time when carbonated soft drinks (CSDs) growth was stagnating and shareholder confidence in the company was waning.
- Dwyer established a strategic planning team to assess the current product portfolio and identify organic and acquisition growth opportunities.
- From this review the importance of operational excellence was identified
- Strong investment was made in world-class manufacturing facilities and systems.
- Process re-engineering was implemented to reduce the costs of manufacturing and time-to-market.
- Given the declining consumption of CSDs, Tom Dwyer has sought to reduce ABL’s reliance on them, focusing on growing new products and entering new non-alcoholic beverage Categories.
- Significant investment in product development of other non-alcoholic beverages
- Several acquisitions made to grow the market share of non-CSD based beverages in the company’s portfolio
- Entry into the Australian snack food market recently undertaken.
- Finalised the integration of a snack food business acquisition just over 12 months ago,
- Latest acquisition enabled ABL to leverage its strong distribution capabilities to supermarkets, convenience stores and hospitality channels by adding complementary food products to non-alcoholic beverages.
- CSDs still accounted for 68 per cent of company revenue in 2011.
- The board has requested the company continue