Genetically modified food :A great advance in science or a threat to agriculture and human beings? Disscuss
With the development of biotechnology, more and more genetically modified food begin to sold in the maket all over the world. There are different opinions among people as to GM food. Some hold that GM food is a great prosess in science for the woeld. However, other people reject to buy the genetically modified food, they think the GM food are unhealthy to us. In this essay, I will discuss the threat and advance of GM food.
Some people hold the view that genetically modified food is a threat to agriculture and human beings. Firstly, the threat to agriculture, “once GM crops are planted, cross-pollination means other crops often become contaminated and GM material ends up in the food chain.” (GreenpeaceUK,2008) According to that situation,farmers may get nothing in the In harvest season. In additionly, the biotech companies may dominate most market, so the price, manufacture, sell and other aspects of agriculture will be controlled by the multinational biothch companues. The famers who plant non-GM food will lose the food market because of expensive price though their food are nature and green. Secondly, the threat to human beings. There are not enough evidence to support that GM food are completely safe to human health. “the science of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another ” (GreenpeaceUK,2008) The way of GM food is non-nature. Moreover, the way have no longtime safe testing on human. We cannot ensure GM food is healthy to our body as same as the non-GM food.
While other people believe that GM food is a great advance. The new technology solves some problems to agriculture and human being. GM food can prevent the insects by themselves instead of using pesticides. Farmers do not need to use a large amount of fertilizers to improve the production. GM food improve the quality and production, so farmers can