Background of the case is the misuse one of the adhesives, Resistol, a toluene base glue, by the street o children of america, where the social economic were taken part of this situation. The resistol were produced by H.B Fuller company,a global manufacture of adhesives, selalants, and other specialty chemicals, and had operations in over 40 countries in North America, Europe, Asia and Latin America. H.B Fuller 1994 total revenue : $ 1.097 B with total profits $ 354 M and by the year 1995 total revenue : $ 1.243 with total profits $ 392 M, 15% of sales revenue came from latin america or 27 % accounted of its profits.
Case Analysis
Honduras and guatemala are two countries where fuller markets it glue products and the two countries where resistol abuse is most pronounced, in 1993 honduras had per capita GDP of only $ 1950, rate of unemployement up to 20 %, guatemala was doing slightly better with per capita GDP of $ 3000 and rate of unemployment rate about 15%. More than a third of people in Honduras and guatemala are below poverty, and this ecnomic condition directly affected to Family Life situation commonly unstable, stressful conditions, husbands abandoned their wives and children, the countless children runaway from homelife and roamed the city street, street children uses glue (H.B Fuller) by sniffing them (glue addicted) as the way to “get-away” from their real life condition.
For years H.B Fuller had been pressure by child advocate groups in central america and the united stats, and encouraged the company to minute amounts of mustard seed-oil a common food additive, reported virtually eliminated abuse of its glue. In march 1989 legislature of honduras passed decree 36-89 which banned importing or manufacturing solvent based adhesives that did not contain mustard oil. This situation surely disadvantages for H.B Fuller company business envorenment , H.B. Fuller subsidiary
References: Khan Dr. AR, “Business Ethics,” 2nd Edition June 2011, p.93-107 Griffin-Nolan, “Dealing Glue,” p. 26. Griffin-Nolan, “Dealing Glue,” p. 27. Griffin-Nolan, “Dealing Glue,” p. 28. Norman Bowie and Stefanie Ann Lenway, “H. B. Fuller in Honduras: Street Children and Substance Abuse,” in Thomas Donaldson and Al Gini, eds., Case Studies in Business Ethics, 3rd ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993), p. 287.