The Asian Crisis in 1997 forced the company to make radical changes in the company policies in order to survive. Although aim of creating innovative, high premium products with a well known brand emerged in the early 1990s, after this financial crisis they learned the significance of differentiation.
The company mainly has two main problems: lack of brand personality and the low quality brand image.
The Samsung’s one of the most important problems is the lack of a brand image. In my opinion to create a brand identity a major product in each category that is produced with the latest technology and equipped with several features is needed. But the key points should be the design and the color. I choose design and color because these two are the most observable features of any technological product. Current Samsung cell phones do not have a characteristic feature. They look like either iPod or Nokia. .As it is mentioned in the Samsung’s case, the products of Samsung are not seen as stylish as competitors’ products. Creating a family of products having the same design and color which has no affiliation with any other technological product would be a starting point to create a personality for the Samsung brand. Since Samsung has the necessary knowledge to create high quality products I think it should use this advantage to create upper class products .Compared to its competitors Samsung has a wide variety of products. So it can group these products and choose a different color and create a unique design for each of the groups. For instance cell phones and mp3 players can be classified as a separate group, TVs and DVD players