Florita Santos, a middle-aged woman, is admitted to the coronary care unit with a diagnosis of Left ventricular failure resulting from myocardial infarction. Her history indicated that she was aroused in the middle of the night by severe chest pain. Her skin is pale and cold, and moist sounds are heard over the lower regions of both lungs. Explain how failure of the left ventricle can cause these signs and symptoms. (4 points). Answer:…
As part of screening procedure, e began our investigation by focusing on auscultation of the heart and lung sounds for sign and symptoms of cardiac disease or problem. However, there are no abnormalities present with R.M.’s heart. According to R.M.’s symptoms, it is clear that she does not have any signs of cardiac disease, symptoms of allergies, and fluid and electrolyte imbalance. R.M. has symptoms of hypothyroidism, anemia, and depression.…
Know signs and symptoms of each type, relationships to tissue perfusion, and compensatory mechanisms of the sympathetic nervous system.…
Left Side: Decreased cardiac output-Fatigue, weakness, Oliguria during the day and nocturia at night, angina, confusion, restlessness, dizziness, tachycardia, palpitations, pallor weak peripheral pulses, cool extremities. Pulmonary congestion-Hacking cough, dyspnea/breathlessness, crackles or wheezes in lungs, frothy, pink tinged sputum, tachypnea, s3/s4 summation gallop.…
My typical patient is a middle-aged person. Both men and women can have Afib and OSA. Many patients complain that they have an irregular heartbeat, night sweats and cannot sleep. Some patients also show up exhibiting symptoms of sleep apnea, such as shortness of breath, extreme fatigue and lightheadedness. Additionally, it is common for women with sleep apnea to have a neck circumference of 16 inches and men to have a neck circumference of 17 inches.…
The patient is a 47 year old, well-nourished male. The head-to-toe assessment was insignificant for any abnormal findings. Mike is healthy, appears his age, and does not take medications on a daily basis. His vision is declining with age, but is easily corrected with prescription glasses. His weight has been consistent for the past several years. His BMI is appropriate for his height, and he tries to eat a balanced diet. Though, overall, he is healthy, Mike could benefit from regular exercise, eating more fruits and vegetables, and smoking cessation.…
novice- a nurse that has no experience with a specified patient population and uses rules to guide performance…
Most of the extreme symptoms he exhibited on admission had mostly been resolved. He did however still have moderate edema in his lower extremities. His lungs sounds were also drastically improved although they were slightly decreased with coarse crackles in the bases. He complained of shortness of breath. His oxygen saturation was 95% on 2 liters oxygen via nasal cannula. The patient complained of exertional fatigue and dizziness upon sitting up. He had full sensation in his upper extremities, but some numbness in his feet due to long standing diabetic neuropathy. He was alert and oriented to time, place, person. Pupils were equal and reactive to light and accommodated. Bowel sounds were present in all four quadrants. His abdomen was slightly distended, and he complained of a loss of appetite. He stated he was having mild myalgia but within his pain comfort goal of 3/10. Peripheral pulses were strong in upper extremities with thready pedal pulses bilaterally. Capillary refill was appropriate in all extremities. He has normal heart sounds with a systolic murmur. Vital signs taken by the PCT were reported as: BP 107/56, HR 75, RR 16, Temp 36.9C, SaO2 90% 2L O2 via nasal…
A. Angina: WebMD describes Angina as pain in the chest, discomfort, heaviness or a full feeling in the chest. James Combs noted that in Cardiovascular disease and woman that Dr. Dennis Walker noted that “women may feel other symptoms; squeezing-type pain in the center of the chest that may radiate to the neck, shoulders, and jaw. B. Weakness/Dizziness: Feeling faint or lightheaded. C. Nausea: Center for Disease Control defines nausea as uneasiness of the stomach that comes before vomiting. E. Loss of Appetite…
Jan Williams needs for mental health services became more apparent, she could no longer overlook the need for services. She looked through the yellow pages of the phone book at the various providers and found a company by the name of St. Mary’s Home Care Agency, Inc. that provided an array of services, one to include Outpatient Mental Health services. She called the number and requested help for her special needs, because she was hearing voices and her mood swings were horrible. To start the process the secretary forwarded her call to the Intake Specialist, who in turn asked her some personal questions for the referral process. Some of the answers included her name, date of birth, address, telephone number and an emergency contact number.…
o There are many churches located readily throughout the city of Phoenix. There are self-help groups and support groups also.…
M. H. was raised in a traditional German family where her father was the head of the household. However, her father and mother made many decisions mutually and shared household chores (Purnell, 2014). Her father was an Air Force pilot during World War II, and then worked as a chemical engineer until retirement. The household atmosphere was loving and respectful. She and her five siblings were brought up as Roman Catholics. They were expected to be polite, use table manners, be on-time to meals, respect their elders, do as they were told, share, finish their chores before recreating, get good grades in school,…
In order for an individual to get help with alcohol or substance use or abuse and begin the process of rehabilitation, an accurate clinical assessment is needed. A proper diagnosis and treatment plan can only be formulated when all historical and current relevant information has been considered. Angela, a 32-year-old woman should be assessed by considering her past and current use and abuse of alcohol and other substances. Additionally, Angela should be assessed by looking into her attitudes and behaviors towards substance abuse, her social and occupational functioning, her finances and familial relationships, and her legal, health and spiritual histories. Finally, a diagnostic impression should be formulated and recommendations for treatment…
Riverside County is a vast geographical area in Southern California with a diverse population. It represents a melding area of different cultures, ideals and median income, resulting in a community full of variety.…
What is the difference between a comprehensive health assessment and a specific or risk assessment?…