The mercantilist system
Colonies became an important source of wealth for the mother country 1650
Mercantilism = the government should regulate economic activity in order to promote national power. Trade should be controlled so that more gold and silver flowed into the country than left it.
Parliament passed the first Navigation Act 1651 which aimed to wrest control of world trade from the Dutch who had free trade with all parts of the world and empires.
England was a port for colonial trade and could ass taxes as ships passed through England before trading.
The Navigation Act stimulated the rise of New England’s shipbuilding industry.
The conquest of New Netherland
The government financed new travels and the Royal African Company was given a monopoly of slave trade.
The number of English colonies doubled in a generation.
New Netherland was surrendered to the English in 1664.
English rule transformed the minor military base into an important imperial outpost, a seaport and a launching pad for military operation against the French.
English law ended the Dutch tradition that women could start businesses in their own names and having the right to in heritage property.
The English also made it harder against black people, expelled blacks from many skilled jobs.
New York
1700 – 2 million acres land owned by 5 NY families who formed an elite.
Sir Edmund –Andros formed alliance: Covenant Chain, with Indians and Iqorquis. Together they cleared NY from other tribes and Indians helped British attack the French with Indian allies.
Later the Iroquois went neutral to play the empires against each other and gain from fur trade.
The charter of liberties
Colonist complained about the no liberties of Englishmen and to pay taxes.
1683 the duke called an elected assembly, which drafted a Charter of Liberties and Privileges. It requires elections every 3-year (male