1 Ancient Economic Thought
1.1 Aristotle
2 Economic Thought in the Middle Ages
2.1 Thomas Aquinas
2.2 Duns Scotus
2.3 Ibn Khaldun
2.4 Nicole Oresme
3 Mercantilism, Nationalism, and International Trade
3.1 Sir Thomas More
3.2 Jean Bodin
3.3 Edward Misselden and Gerard Malynes
3.4 Thomas Mun
3.5 Sir William Petty
3.6 Philipp von Hörnigk
3.7 Jean-Baptiste Colbert and Pierre Le Pesant, Sieur de Boisguilbert
3.8 Charles Davenant
3.9 Sir James Steuart
4 The British Enlightenment
4.1 John Locke
4.2 Dudley North
4.3 David Hume
4.4 Francis Hutcheson
5 The Physiocrats and the Circular Flow
6 Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations
6.1 Adam Smith's invisible hand
6.2 Limitations
6.3 William Pitt the Younger
6.4 Edmund Burke
7 Classical Political Economy
7.1 Jeremy Bentham
7.2 Henry Thornton
7.3 Jean-Baptiste Say
7.4 Thomas Malthus and William Godwin
7.5 Jean Charles Léonard de Sismondi
7.6 Robert Owen
7.7 David Ricardo
7.8 Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay, and the American System
7.9 Johann Heinrich von Thünen
7.10 Friedrich List and the National System
7.11 Wilhelm Roscher and the German Historical School of Economics
7.12 Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
7.13 John Stuart Mill
7.14 Frederic Bastiat
8 Capitalism, Communism, and Karl Marx
8.1 Friedrich Engels
8.2 Das Kapital
8.3 Marx Disciples
9 Economic (Business) Cycle Theory
10 Neoclassical Economic Thought
10.1 Marginal Utility
10.2 Mathematical Economics
10.3 Georg Friedrich Knapp and Chartalism
11 Austrian School of Economics
11.1 Joseph Alois Schumpeter
11.2 Ludwig von Mises
11.3 Friedrich Hayek
11.4 Murray Rothbard
12 World War I and the Great Depression: Consequences to Economic Thought
13 John Maynard Keynes
13.1 The General Theory
13.2 Keynesian Economics
14 Market Socialism
15 The Stockholm School of Economics
16 Econometrics
17 The American Way
18 Institutional Economics
19 The Great Depression
20 Value Investing
21 Game Theory
22 John