MGMT 1120: Developing the Leader in You
Fall Semester 2013
Department of Management
School of Business and Management
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Course Website:
Class Meetings
L1 - Mondays / Wednesdays
L2 - Mondays / Wednesdays
10:30 - 11:50
12:00 - 13:20
Room G001 (LSK)
Room G001 (LSK)
As a precaution against any unnecessary administrative problem and for good order sake, you must attend the section you have enrolled. You are not allowed to swap lecture session, unless you have sought prior approval (no less one day) from the Lecturer or the IA with a valid reason and supporting evidence. Attendance will not be counted for non-compliance. In addition, attendance will be taken through PRS devices. For whatever reason you forget to bring your
PRS, please approach Agnes to sign on a piece of paper separately. Please note you only have three chances to sign in separately, exceeding which your attendance will not be counted.
Brief Course Description
What is this thing called “leadership”? There are many ways to define it – such as innate traits, learned behavior, ability to inspire, and ability to create positive change. Whatever it is, it is generally agreed that leadership is vital in business, non-business or even survival situations.
According to management expert John Maxwell, “leadership is leadership, no matter where you go or what you do. Time changes, technology marches forward, cultures vary from country to country but the true principles of leadership are constant.” Leaders are born and made (we have to be born first!). This course is designed with an objective to provide you with a suitable environment to nurture you to develop your leadership skills and values as individuals and responsible citizens.
Course Objectives
The purpose of this course is to help you recognize, develop and refine the personal characteristics needed to