The young Kane then stands and throws a snowball at a sign which reads, "Mrs. Kane's Boarding House." At the exact instance when the snowball hits the sign, the music abruptly stops, and then turns to a heavier and darker feel. Welles cuts to Kane's parents talking to Walter Parks Thatcher, Kane's childhood guardian, and they are discussing Kane's separation from his parents. The change in music is appropriate as the topics being discussed between the parents and Thatcher are extremely significant to the development of Kane's character. The grave and worrisome feeling elicited by Hermann's music makes the viewer focus more on the particular scene through various strings, and discordant tones. Through the precipitous transition of music from a pleasant tone to a more serves as a symbol for the drastic change Kane's life is about to undergo.
The final scene of the movie, which shows Kane's childhood sled with "Rosebud" engraved on it, is practically brought to life with the music of Herrmann. The slow build up of the music is paired accordingly with the constant rise of the fire. The music's grandiose feeling gives more weight to