
How Tattoos and Piercings Influence One’s Life Essay Example

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How Tattoos and Piercings Influence One’s Life Essay Example
How Tattoos and piercings influence one’s Life
Influence from Society
For centuries people have been participating in body modification. Tattoos and
Body piercings have become increasingly popular among young people in todays
Society. On a daily basis, more and more teenagers are participating in this ritual.
Regardless of whether or not parental consent is given, teenagers are finding a way to get
Tattoos and piercings. Many rural high schools are trying to ban this behavior but to no
Benefit. Problems are increasingly emerging due to this trend.
In past years people with tattoos and body piercings were seen as rebels and
Disgraces to society. These people were shunned in their communities and were viewed
As outcasts. In America, this was greatly seen in the suburbs and this practice was
Thought to be an influence from heavy metal music, which many older people did not approve of. Parents would form societies to try and eliminate this kind of music from
Their homes and communities. They even thought this kind of music was related to drug
Use and devil worship. Boot camps were formed to help fight this cause. Children turned
Against their parents and a war in the home was created throughout many communities in
The nation.
Society, in its current state, has become slightly more accepting of this trend.
Many young adults and teenagers have tattoos and body piercings and are beginning to be
Judged on their inner character rather than the music they listen to. The trend of body 2
Modification is also becoming less associated with drug use. Many young professionals
Are able to keep their tattoos and body piercings in as long as they are not exposed in the
Workplace, but if it is known that these individuals participate in this practice, a smaller
Disgrace is attached. They no longer have to fear being fired from their jobs because of their appearance.
In some cases, people are still being discriminated

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