Consultation on Proposed Changes
April 2013
Department for Culture, Media & Sport
Classifying and Measuring the Creative Industries
Department for Culture, Media & Sport
Classifying and Measuring the Creative Industries
Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................. 4
Chapter 2: Reasons for change ................................................................. 6
Chapter 3: Quality commitment ................................................................. 7
Chapter 4: Proposal ................................................................................... 8
Chapter 5: Timing .................................................................................... 19
Chapter 6: How can I respond? ............................................................... 20
Department for Culture, Media & Sport
Classifying and Measuring the Creative Industries
Chapter 1: Introduction
The purpose of this consultation is to update the DCMS Creative Industries classification and we are inviting input from interested parties. We have been engaging with industry and partner organisations over potential changes via a Technical Working Group of the Creative
Industries Council and are now at a point where we would like to go out to consultation and seek wider views.
We have been working with partners (NESTA, Creative Skillset and Creative and Cultural
Skills), to review and update the classification used in the DCMS Creative Industries
Economic Estimates (CIEE). We intend to use this review “Classifying and Measuring the
Creative Industries”, referenced below, as an objective starting point to suggest which occupations and industries should be included in the updated DCMS classification.
The review uses the idea of “creative intensity” (the proportion of people doing creative jobs within each industry) to suggest