Baccalaureate Thesis of: William E. Ashton, II
Naropa University Religious Studies Department Boulder, Colorado May 2007
B.A. Thesis
The work, which you hold in your hands, could not have been possible were it not for the following Loved Ones: My Mother, whose wisdom rings in my ears to this day. My Father, who once told me that the only thing that I will always have is my wits… train them well (I love and miss you Poppa). My dearest friends/family: Louie, Rob, Gian, Jeremy, Justin, Brian, Jon… all of my ‘brothers’, as loyal as dogs, but not as goodlooking. Rabbi Marc Soloway, my Rabbi… you never lost faith in me, even when I had none to give myself. And last, but by no means least, HaShem, for never leaving my side, though for a time, I left yours. All of you have my profound admiration, love, and gratitude for the rest of my days… and then some. Thank you all for believing in me.
William E. Ashton, II May 2007
B.A. Thesis
Table of Contents
Spiritual and Personal Transformation in Judaic Conversion History of Conversion Halakha on Conversion and Converts Motivation vs. Practicality Issues Faced by Converts Testimonies of Converts Personal Statement and Closing Works Cited Bibliography
p.4 p.5 p.8 p.12 p.15 p.21 p.23 p.26 p.27
B.A. Thesis
"Wherever you go, I will go. Wherever you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your G-d my G-d. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried"
Ruth, a Moabite and the Great-Grandmother of King David, who chose to convert to Judaism.1
Ruth 1:16-17
B.A. Thesis
Spiritual and Personal Transformation in Judaic Conversion What motivates a person to want to change their religion? Perhaps a deeper level of love for The Divine, or a methodology for relating to The Divine? Before we
Bibliography: Babylonian Talmud (Tractate Yevamot) Berman, Samuel. Midrash Tanhuma. KTAV Publishing House, Inc. Jersey City, New Jersey. 1995. Boteach, Shmuel. Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge: Basic Concepts of Hasidic Thought. Jason Aronson, Inc. New Jersey. 1996 Diamant, Anita and Howard Cooper. Living a Jewish Life: Jewish Traditions, Customs, and Values for Today’s Families. Harper-Collins. New York. 1991 Greenberg, Irving. The Jewish Way: Living the Holidays. Simon & Schuster. New York. 1988 Halevy-Donin, Hayim. To be a Jew: A Guide to Jewish Observance in Contemporary Life. Basic Books. New York. 1972 - - - To Pray as a Jew: A Guide to the Prayer Book and Synagogue Service. Basic Books. New York. 1980 Heschel, Abraham Joshua. Man’s Quest for G-d: Studies in Prayer and Symbolism. Aurora Press. Santa Fe, NM. 1996 Kalman-Shapira, Kalonymus. Conscious Community: A Guide to Inner Work. Rowman & Littlefield. Boulder, CO. 1996 Kolatch, Alfred. Inside Judaism: The Concepts, Customs, and Celebrations of the Jewish People. Jonathan David Pub. Middle Village, NY. 2006 Leviticus Rabbah Mansoor, Menahem. Jewish History and Thought: An Introduction. KTAV Publishing House, Inc. Jersey City, New Jersey. 1991. Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah, Choshen Mishpat.) Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) Selections from Ruth, Deuteronomy, Exodus B.A. Thesis Ashton 26 Transcript of the Ne’eman Report. jsource/Judaism/conversion_law.html Yearbook of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Vol.3. 1893. - - - American Reform Responsa. No. 68, at 236-237.