There are people who are made to feel that they can never belong; there are people who in their hearts so want to give you an honest fight for your niche, but even that is no good. Nothing in this world is ever fair. And how can you even fight if you are Sam Dawson, mentally handicapped, almost never trusted, almost never loved, only humored once in a while by people who thought he was no good for them? What a very uphill battle just to have the right to live, what a seemingly pointless struggle. But it isn’t, and what is the point?
Sam was born, and he has to remain alive, and not just to exist and eat and sleep, no, but to live with the true quality of living. To be of use to the human race, bring forth something that no one else can ever give the world but him. To live his purpose so that when he ceases living it won’t be as if he