Working at a professional place like a doctor’s place was my dream that has come true. Working at the Orthodontist office has made a big impact on my…
However, I still have the strong desire and drive to become a dentist. I have a mother that is scared to death of the dentist after several bad experiences and a brother that is terrified of needles. I know of a person that breaks out in nervous rash on her neck before she visits the dentist. I want to make a difference. I want to be the dentist that helps change people’s perception and anxieties of dentistry. I look forward to handling a variety of dental care needs and I am committed to promoting oral healthcare. I am a well-rounded and motivated person, who will thrive in a university…
I currently hold my Bachelor’s of Arts in Business from Arizona State University. I was previously employed as a food and beverage manager at Vistal Golf Club from 2010-2015. Although, I have no direct experience in the dental field, I do possess traits and life experiences that are fitting for the program.…
In any context the principles of relationship building with children, young adults and adults are the same. It is very important I build I a relationship with them so they feel comfortable in my company. This relationship overtime will allow them to trust me and encourage effective communication. Whilst building this relationship it is important to remember things that are significant to them as individuals on a personal level, their family life or a hobby they enjoy. This will show them that I have taken time to listen to them. Some factors I do without thinking about whilst others require a little more effort on my part. Effective communication happens in many different ways and is a key factor to developing relationships with children and adults. To build a positive relationship I must show respect, I should actively listen to people’s opinions. I also need to show consideration and take time to understand that issues outside school are occurring in their life, this could affect their behavior or that they are acting out of character.…
From the time that I started working, in a corporate dentist, my desire towards working in Dentistry has risen. In my role as a Dental Nurse, I am encompassed in a wide range of responsibilities. I have been more dedicated carrying these out, working at a higher standard and found that I am captivated by compliance and preventive care. I have been rewarded for my efforts. I was presented…
To begin with when I went on holiday to South Africa and I met a close family member who had opened her own Dental practise in South Africa, having spoken to her when she visited she encouraged me to explore a career in the field. She pointed me in the right directions and informed me of all options and opportunities that entail a career within the field of Dentistry. I then went on to go to University open days and asked students already studying the course what it was like and the responses that I was given fuelled my ambitions to study the course. Overall my interest in dentistry was a combination of doing my own research into the career prospects and my desire to work within a clinical environment. The Dentistry degree program interests me because it is a very hands-on degree that requires excellent manual dexterity.…
The novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini follows the life of the afghan man, Amir, and his struggles with his past life in Kabul. In the beginning of the book, Amir, although smart and kind at heart, is mentally taken over by his want of acceptance by his father, and in turn, takes it out on his best friend and more than loyal servant Hassan. On multiple occasions Amir is found making life for Hassan hard, whether it be through deception or through selfishness. Overall, when Amir is looked at altogether as a character, it can easily be seen that his actions as a child where fueled by a constant want to be accepted by his father, a tough business man who fosters a strong disappointment with his sons lack of similar qualities, something the reader can sympathize with. As well, the reader is coaxed into forgiveness of Amir after his admittance of being a coward, after understanding his mental struggles, and finally after he adopts Sohrab and the role of Hassan and Amir’s relationship is reversed…
I am currently a dental hygiene student at Fortis College in Landover Maryland. I have been working as a dental assistant for 18 years. I truly enjoy the field as well as the connections I’ve made with my patients. I look forward to playing a more active role in educating my patients; by sharing my knowledge and giving them power to take control of their oral and overall health. Through listening and understanding I hope to be able to build trusting relationships. I am committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive care to each one of my patients. Knowing that if they feel comfortable with me as their provider they will have the best chance for…
It was this experience that became somewhat of a calling, and I resolved to further learn about dentistry. Therefore, this year I am in the progress of completing a semester long internship course in the field of dentistry; this time determined not only to shadow for longer, but also to reflect on what I learned by keeping a journal of my accounts. Through this course I was able to get an adequate understanding of dentistry, and also learn and apply the necessary skills and qualities needed in order to achieve my goal and become successful. Furthermore, outside of school I have spent multiple summers volunteering at hospitals allowing myself to learn and expand my knowledge regarding health care and its various professions. These distinctive experiences are what makes me a deserving candidate for the Wornom Fellowship. By participating in these activities I have developed a dream to become a dentist, understood its professional and human aspects, and have set a goal to become what my heart and mind call…
When I was three years old I had been living with my mother In a one bedroom one bathroom apartment. My mother is a single parent that is hardworking and sometimes goes without in order to make sure I am content to make sure I have a successful live. My father would make an effort to be there but ultimately it was only for a short period of time before he would fall off. To this day he continues to the same routine so unfortunately I consider him a in and out dad. As a result my mother had to be the mother and father over me. Regardless she has had a major influence and impact over me as the head of the household was not absent out of my life. Although I did not have a father figure in my house my uncle and pawpaw picked up the responsibility…
When I was in secondary school, my dad was diagnosed with oral cancer. It was a tough time for our family, but we were not alone. The oral surgeons were always by our side, consistently providing hope and reassurance throughout the treatment when we needed it the most. During this period, I witnessed their talents, passion, and professionalism in finding the best treatments for my father. Thanks to their efforts, my father was able to fully recover. This was the point when I realized that dentistry was the career that I wanted to pursue. With my love of science and motivation to help people in the same way that my father's oral surgeons had left an impact on my family, I desired to be a dentist.…
My parents are two of my biggest influencers, they taught me from birth to the individual I am today. My mother was a natural leader, she was the one in control most of the time, She was extremely hard working, strong-willed, and driven. My mother wasn't the brightest student in school, she barely got accepted to the local university in her city, she had the lowest grades of her year. She realized that she did not understand the course materials and was failing her courses, her professor told her to resign and not embarrass her family. She was furious and wanted to prove them wrong.…
My mother has had a huge impact on my life and it is because of her that I am the person I am today and today where I am. Most people say I am a lot like my mother, both physically and mentally. We both have the same mannerism, facial expressions, and thought processes. We love to learn and travel, eat exotic and luxuries food, spend time with family, and we both have an incredible urge for knowledge. From observing my mother's behavior and listening to her lectures, she has had a great influence on my life, choices, and personality.…
My mother has a huge impact on my life. She has faced so many challenges in her life, and she’s amazing for it. My mother, had to stop going to college because she got pregnant with my sister. How many to be mothers would drop out of college just to take care of their new born baby? Not many. Some might have their mothers watch their child, but my mother, Patty, she wanted to spend time with us, rather than go to school. She worked a lot while I was growing up. My older sister would take care of me and my brother.…
My mother has always been a very strong role model to me, and growing up with someone like her to look up to has made me who I am. She has…