(Teachers name)
English 1100
18 August 2013 I believe… We have all had one of those days. The days where you just want to go hide under your covers, and block out the world. Those days where we have a lot to do and no time at all. That old woman that just cut you off, or that ticket you just received for speeding to work is just the cherry on top. You may think that your life sucks, or the whole world is against you until by the Will of God someone restores your faith in humanity. That one stranger who just brightens your day, and keeps you going. Just one smile, it takes one smile to turn a complete strangers day around. That person might not know your life story, or where you have been, or what you’ve been through. Just the power of a simple act of kindness can turn a horrible day around. In high school, I once did a project on a subject called “pass it on”, which I didn’t understand stand until recently. My partner and I had to do one act of kindness and just pass on the love. It felt great to be doing something so great and beneficial, but it was actually for a grade so it wasn’t sincere. I volunteered at a soup kitchen and helped clean up a few parks. At the end I received an “A+” but failed to understand the purpose of the assignment. Until, after a few years I learned the true meaning of the pass it on movement. There was a dark time in my life where I was very depressed. I wasn’t depressed to a point where I needed medical assistance, but I wasn’t happy with the way I lived my Life thought to myself, “if I died today, there wouldn’t be anything that I would have been proud of.” Life had become somewhat of a routine, and every day I would just discover a new negative aspect in my life. Until one day a small deed just changed my whole perspective in life.
I woke up in a gloomy mood, which became a norm, and I was dragging my feet while attending to my normal everyday chores. As I waited for the slowest cashier to finish