There are times in life where problems arise. Some people have more problems than others, but nonetheless we all have problems.
Some people talk about their problems; others write or do physical activity to help forget the problems. And still some people, like me, try to forget about their problems. Push every emotion you feel deep down inside of you and bottle it all up, hoping to never see it again. Bottling everything up doesn’t help though, it actually makes it worse. That is why you need someone you can trust, someone you can open up to.
Everybody needs someone they can turn to. Everybody needs to find
“their person” as Cristina Yang would say. I am fortunate enough to have been blessed with not only one person, but two.
Towards the end of my sophomore year, January to be exact, I was getting ready at my dad’s for my cousin’s sweet sixteen- my parents are divorced but that’s another story. I had gotten a new dress for the occasion and thought I looked great in the dress. Little did I know that my father had the complete opposite thought. He told me so when I walked down the stairs that night. His exact words were
“Why are you wearing that dress? You look fat and ugly in it. Come to think of it, you look horrible in anything you put on.” I took the blows with my head held high and a smile on my face. I refused to let him see how much that had hurt me. While I was smiling on the outside, I was breaking on the inside. From that point on I vowed to make my dad like how I looked, no matter what it took.
A few months after the incident, I was still trying to please my dad. I started changing little things, like how I did my hair and the clothes I wore. When I realized that wasn’t working I decided to try a diet. It went pretty well except my dad still wasn’t pleased with how I looked. At this point in my life, I had also started working, so when I was there I would skip dinner. Eventually I started to skip lunch and