(Chapter 21-27)
|Quote # 13: "At eleven years old, death is more unreal than |My Opinion: An eleven year old is less focused on death because |
|frightening (Angelou 160)." |it is more unreal then frightening. Death is one of the last |
| |things on a child's mind because they are more worried about |
| |today then tomorrow. This connotative phrase is used in this |
| |story to suggest that death is the least of Maya's worries as a |
| |young child, and that the funeral is a waist of time to her. |
|Quote #14: "I'd rather stick my hand in a dogs mouth than in a |My Opinion: Whenever Momma brings Maya to a dentist, on the white|
|nigger's (Angelou 189)." |side of town, the dentist refuses to look at Maya's teeth because|
| |of her racial color. During this time in history, the black race |
| |was highly looked down upon and treated less than someone would |
| |an animal. This metaphor is used in this story to describe to the|
| |reader how poorly African Americans were treated. They were |
| |treated so poorly that in this statement dogs were considered |
| |higher than blacks. |
|Quote #15: "If you ask a Negro where he's been, he'll tell you |My Opinion: