Can you really find love online?
Online Dating these days has become a social norm. When we are younger our parents teach us not to talk to strangers. So what is the difference now? Is it because we are now considered adults… Or because computers are more readily available? The way our parents grew up is completely different then how we did. Things such as people living together before marriage or having a child out of wedlock were taboo back then, now they are just about everywhere you look. So we have all heard of E-Harmony and but people also meet on Facebook and various other apps on smart phones like Let's Date and Me U Meet. What i know about online dating is you meet someone usually based off their looks, then i assume second their interests and third their personality. The reason i chose this subject to do my research on is my sister samantha she actually did the whole Eharmony thing and met a guy. I myself find this to be a scary thing meeting someone that you have only emailed and text messaging how on earth can anyone be ok with this. When people send pictures one must have to wonder if it really is the person you have been speaking to or did someone else just copy and paste some photos. The reason i believe most people are more at ease about meeting people online is because of the fear Chavez 2 of rejection. And lets face it most likely if you aren't the best looking person its a lot easier to meet people by using someone else's photo. By using someone else's photo you are delaying rejection, even though you are still most likely going to be rejected when you come clean. If not for the looks for the simple reason you have been lying to a person. There are many other risks one must consider before meeting a stranger, such as they could rape kidnap or even kill you.
We as children are raised with the fear instilled from parents "stranger danger". So for research Professor Stavast