Story “I Spy”
Analysis by Maria Batrakova
Group 31 TiM
1. Setting
We can say exactly that all the described events take place in England, particularly, they happen in the Eastern part of England. The father of the Charlie Stowe, of the main character, was supposed to be in Norwich that night we know about it directly from the text (“Tonight he said he would be in Norwich…”). Norwich is the regional administrative center and country town of Norfolk. Besides, one sentence tells us that place isn’t far from water (“the wind blew from the sea, and Charlie Stowe could hear…the beating of the waves”) and now we can say precisely that it is just by the North Sea that washes the shores of England.
The events happen at night in the house where the family of Charlie Stowe lives, particularly, at the tobacconist’s shop that was kept by his father. It is said in second paragraph of the text.
It was time of the World War I. The following clues help us to understand it: “enemy airships”, “Zeppelin”, which was a type of airship pioneered in Germany in the beginning of XX century and used widely to bombard England during the period of the World War I, such features of fashion of that time as “bowler hats” and “belted mackintoshes”, brands of cigarettes that Charlie’s father was selling (Gold Flake, Players, Woodbines were wide-spread that time). Moreover, in the text “Huns” were mentioned. It is an Offensive slang used as a disparaging term for a German, especially, a German soldier in World War I.
2. Plot
Charlie Stowe, the main character, gets mocked by his schoolmates at the County school, because he has never tried a cigarette at his 12 in his life. One night he decides to have a smoke and sneaks to the tobacconist’s shop run by his father whom he doesn’t love. His mother is sleeping and his father isn’t supposed to be at home. But when Charlie finds himself at the shop he hears footfalls in the street. It is his father and two strangers. They have a brief chat