2. Participate in online video conferences, web courses and forums (the Director is a part-time professor at a local university). WEBCAM / INTERNET BROWSER / MICROPHONE / SPEAKER / CHAT CLIENT
3. Create and edit audio and video files and share video and audio files via emails, instant messaging, and in chat rooms via mobile devices. WEBCAM / MICROPHONE / VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARE / INTERNET / SPEAKERS
4. Create small databases to manage all audio, video and photo data. Itunes Software
5. Take high quality digital photos and videos and download them to the PC as well as scan and edit the photos. DIGITAL CAMERA / CARD READER - PORTS / ADOBE PHOTOSHOP SOFTWARE / SCANNER
6. Print documents to include photo quality color printing. PHOTO PRINTER / ALL IN ONE PRINTER
7. Save documents to pdf and other image formats. ADOBE READER SOFTWARE / PAINT SOFTWARE
8. Transfer information (audio, video and photos) between PC machines. UBS DRIVE / CD WRITER / ETHERNET PORT or EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE or ROUTER or WIRELESS ROUTER or BLUETOOTH
9. Manage the Director’s schedule by using an online calendar and day planner. NTERNET / GOOGLE CALENDER or MICROSOFT OUTLOOK SOFTWARE
10. Utilize the internet to make online purchases, conduct banking services and research new audio, video and photo editing methods using a broadband service. HIGH SPEED CABLE INTERNET or DSL or VERIZON FIOS or COMCAST / FIREWALL
11. Connect all required peripheral devices you deem necessary to the system unit. USB PORT – Port
12. Protect the PC and all components from dirty electrical power including under voltage (brownout or blackout) and overvoltage (power surge or spike).
13. Manage and protect the system, data, and information while working on the Internet including scanning all incoming emails, email attachments, and files downloaded from Web-based sources; firewall,