Ch. 17 & 18 Assignments
Ch. 17: “Reconstruction, 1863-1877”
Key topics: competing political plans for reconstructing the South; African American transition from slavery to freedom; political and social legacy of Reconstruction; post-Civil War economic and political transformations of the North.
Assignment I: Read pages 568 to 579 (middle of page) 1. Complete the Reconstruction Plans chart. 2. What was Lincoln’s plan and how did it differ from the Wade-Davis plan? Which would have produced better results? 3. Why did the Republicans in Congress turn against Johnson’s plan? 4. Which two bill did Johnson veto and why? What was the reaction of Congress? 5. What is in the 14th Amendment? 6. What were the issues in Johnson’s impeachment and why did it fail? 7. What was the 15th Amendment?
Assignment II: Read pages 579 to 585 (middle of page) 1. What was the effect of emancipation on a slave’s ability to move about, the African American family, and land ownership? 2. What did the slaves want from Reconstruction? To what extent were their aspirations fulfilled?
Assignment III: Read pages 585 to 592 (middle of page) 1. Why was the Southern Republican Party unable to sustain itself without outside intervention? 2. Who were the scalawags and carpetbaggers? 3. Why was it so difficult for Southern whites to accept the changes Northerners were insisting upon?
Assignment IV: Read pages 592 to 598 1. Describe the economic growth in the North that had begun during the Civil War. 2. What happened during the election of 1876? 3. What was the Compromise of 1877?
Ch. 18: “Conquest and Survival: The Trans-Mississippi West, 1860-1900”
Key topics: impact of western expansion on natives; development of new technologies and new industries;