Guillermo A. Reyes
Shadai School
Illiteracy in Honduras is a topic of which all Hondurans Have notice since last
year’s what is Illiteracy? Is the inability of knowing how to read and write
mainly due to the teaching or practice enough.
A Chaotic governmental system handle has living us in our main Topic:
Illiteracy in Honduras, is Honduras safe of this Problem? Can Honduras
eliminate illiteracy? And what Consequence this problem brings to the
country in Modern times? Even though 78% of people living in Honduras can
write either read is a very low average inn contrast with other countries.
The purpose of these research is to remember a problem that since last
years has been affecting Honduras in more than one way Progress in more
than one way to make this a better Country we need people with their
educational process Succeed it’s a situation of main importance and a
priority To all governments or supouse it may be what we had Seen is
governments that had play with the guidelines of The country in other words
they prefer to stole the Money than making a good use of it but also some
time Ignorance is a factor cause people had chosen ignorant Persons as
liders, that’s the main reason how can a man Teach what he haven’t learn?
That’s why studies are useful you have to prepare Yourself and stop trying to
invent what is already invented. Or how a man that grow with animals in the
camp guide a country? Does he will guide us as cows?
Honduras: a 112,492 km 2 country that is consider as poor and one of the
most violent countries around the world according to numerous
organizations. This according to ( O.N.U research.)
Nowadays illiteracy affect approximately 800 million people around the
world in their majority women and girls who lose the benefits of an
education. Because this suppose a great tool against the