The impact of the First World War was universally destructive. It was destructive of human life, property, political, social, cultural and economic fields. For years after the war all countries were heavily burdened and advance remained impeded. However, the impacts of WW1 on World History had some important consequences like the evolution of capitalism, progress of women and some social equality.
One basic change that proved to be very significant after WW1 was how it profoundly affected Capitalism. During the war economic systems were minutely controlled by the belligerent governments. For the first time states worldwide attempted to drive all their resources, wealth and moral purpose of society into one singular cause - warfare. The aim was to utilise labour and all natural resources within ones country effectively. Motives of profit for private enterprises became disreputable. Production of civilian use and luxury purposes were cut down and it became impossible to open or shut down business without Government approval. Governments became so war determined that even unprofitable war factories were kept going with government support. These goals were to coordinate production in the interest of a whole country and became known as “Rationalisation”. Austerity became patriotic. And it became embarrassing to show comforts too openly. Eating meagrely and wearing old clothes created a sense of equality. Enlisting rich and poor alike for common cause gave new impetus to the notion of economic equality. Hardships impacted equality and this would shape further equality on World History. ‘The pre-war economic equilibrium also was destroyed.’ (Barraclough, G, 1982, p129)
The allocation of manpower due to military conscription saw many casualties at the fronts. This state determination evidently became more important that individual life. This insatiable need for men saw great numbers of women fill the offices and