Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of the Butterflies is a work of historical fiction set in the Dominican Republic during the oppressive regime of Rafael Trujillo. The four Mirabal sisters, Patria, Dede, Minerva and Maria Teresa pass through different versions of themselves to stop the reign of this tyrannical dictator. The theme of the courage to stand up to tyranny is most exemplified through Minerva because she discovers herself and becomes consistent with her beliefs throughout the resistence of the regime.…
In, In the Time of the Butterflies written by Julia Alvarez shows that ordinary lives can lead to heroic action. This fascinating story that shows the true story about the love between four sisters, and their families. Julia tells all in her heroic story through one of the Mirabal sisters, Maria. Maria Teresa Mirabal the youngest of the sisters was very passionate about what she believed in. Maria always looked up to her older sister Minerva and decided to join her sisters in their political activities.…
There where no indications of a relationship between the author and anybody in the story, but when I read further into the Postscript I found a possible relationship. The Postscript says that Julia Alvarez "heard" about the story of the Mirabal Sisters when she was a young girl, therefore I knew she was not involved firsthand in the actions of the revolution because the times would not have fit. Alvarez mentions that she moved to New York, but made many trips back to the Dominican Republic. Also, she "sought out any information" about the sisters. This lead me to believe she did some investigating(like reporters do), and where better to go to than Dede, the surviving sister? This showed me the relationship between the narrator and author. I believe that the reporter(narrator) and the author are indeed the same…
The novel, In the Time of the Butterflies, explains the life of the four Mirabal sisters. There was Minerva, Maria Teresa, Dede, Patria. The only survivor was Dede. These girls played a major role in getting rid of the dictatorship of the Dominican Republic. Las Mariposas was their code name. They fought to overthrow Trujillo out of office, even though he forced himself in. Patria, Mate, Minerva lost their lives trying to free others.…
Historical fiction novel: In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez is about four sisters living through the dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo. In my opinion Alvarez’s work of historical fiction is more beneficial rather than detrimental towards helping the reader understand the Mirabal sisters history and what actually took place. For instance, it allows the reader to re-experience how much Trujillo’s regime really impacted the sisters lives, accordingly, by Alvarez making the characters alive it gives the reader a sense of empathy too.…
In her novel In the Time of the Butterflies, Julia Alvarez tells a tale that shows how life can be both beautiful and horrible at the same time. The book is set in the Dominican Republic, where an oppressive dictator named Trujillo is in power. Living under his iron fist is the Mirabal family, a relatively normal family with four beautiful daughters. While the girls are protected relatively well from Trujillo’s political patriarchy, a few of them are introduced to patriarchy via minor oppression through the church. However, as they grow older, the Mirabal sisters cannot be so easily protected, and they see how unbearably oppressive Trujillo really is, and eventually each one decides to help fuel a rebellion against him. However, the Mirabal sisters are not just being oppressed by Trujillo; they are also being oppressed by the men in their families.…
In the historical references located at the end of the novel titled “The Postscripts,” Julia Alvarez explained in detail that although she had extensively researched the Mirabal sisters and the regime of Trujillo, some of the characters and dates were changed in an attempt to make the readers mind travel into what it could have been like to someone who was not there (Alvarez 323-324). Alvarez was the speaker behind the sisters, therefore she was their interpreter, their voice, she did not have enough accurate information to write a biography, and therefore she added fictitious elements to liven their spirits. The spirits of the Patricia, Maria Theresa, and Minerva will always be remembered by many because of their tremendous efforts to resist Trujillo’s regime and to restore a democracy that would enable many more liberties amongst the Dominicans.…
| Minerva’s revolutionary friend has been caught. This is significant because Minerva has been hanging out with her and is a revolutionary as well and she must get rid of the diary that she gave to Maria Teresa. This means that Minerva might get caught and imprisoned as well.…
In The Time of Butterflies is a historical novel by Julia Alvarez, regarding the account of the four Mirabal sisters or the Butterflies. Minevra, Patria, Maria Teresa and Dede, speak across dedcades to tell their own stories. Where they describe the daily horrors experienced under Trujillo's regime. The author boldly highlighted the evils and oppressions people encounter in the hands of a dictator who embody many characterstics of a tyrannical government. Such as persecution, suppression and invasion of privacy. The three sisters excluding Dede, make a political commitment to overthrow Trujillo's government. However, they are killed on Puerto Plata…
In Julia Alvarez’s “In The Time of the Butterflies”, the four Mirabal sisters, Minerva, Maria Teresa, Patria, and Dedé, struggle with accepting principles such as courage, freedom, andfear. As the sisters began to become symbols for freedom during a revolution, each must discover what these concepts mean to them and how to apply them in their fight against a dictatorship. When Trujillo, dictator of the Dominican Republic, sends three of the Mirabal sisters to prison in an attempt to silence their rebellion, Maria Teresa begins to develop a deeper understanding of her role alongside her sisters in the battle against Trujillo, as well as concepts of courage and bravery. In prison, Maria Teresa feels inspired and understands the true feeling of…
The book "In the Time of the Butterflies" is written by Julia Alvarez. This text talks about how religion affects society. One main theme in the novel is to inform the reader how a dictatorship terrorizes the people of the Dominican Republic, but still shows religion is so important to the people of the country that the church can help fight the revolution.…
Dictator Rafael Trujillo ruled the Dominican Republic for over 30 years. He made his way to the top by destroying anyone that got in his way. This abuse of power continued throughout his reign as dictator. In the novel In the Time of Butterflies, Julia Alvarez gives numerous examples that express how Dictator Trujillo abused his power. Trujillo took away women’s rights , took away prisoner’s rights, and took away freedom of speech in all the citizens of the D.R. This evidence proves that Trujillo was a bad man and abused his position of authority.…
On the surface, Patria is portrayed as the most mundane of the Mirabal sisters because she is very religious and family-oriented character. However, Alvarez uses these characteristics and emphasizes on the events that led up to her loss of faith in order to shape her motivations for joining the revolution. In the beginning of the novel, Patria had no interest in being part of the revolution. However, her views change when surprise invasion when she was on a religious retreat. During the explosions, Patria witnesses a traumatic event when she looks out the window and witnesses the death of a young boy. She relates to this boy as if he were her own son and the terrible scene had a profound impact on her. After this traumatic event, Patria began to doubt God’s ability to protect her and her family. In her narration, she says, “I'm not going to sit back and watch my babies die, Lord, even if that's what You in Your great wisdom decide” (Alvarez 162). This event had a compelling effect on this character in two aspects. In one aspect, since Alvarez emphasized on Patria loss of faith, she was able to to transform the character, Patria from an ordinary, religious woman into a strong member of the revolution. In another aspect, by highlighting this traumatic event in Patria’s life, Alvarez was able to create depth in…
How does Steinbeck use the human need for companionship and a sense of belonging to intensify the pathos in Of Mice and Men?…
The book Beautiful Creatures was written by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. This is an example of science fiction. Beautiful creatures is about a 15- year old girl who has magical powers and will either turn dark or light on her sixteenth birthday. The main character is Lena Duchannes, the caster girl who will turn good or evil on her birthday. Ethan Wate is also a major character in the novel; he is Lena’s boyfriend that tries to turn Lena light. The setting takes place in a small southern town of Gatlin South Carolina. The overall tone or mood of the story is romantic and mysterious. The point of view from which the story is told is first persona and Ethan is telling the story. The theme of the story is not to let others pick your fate but for you to make the choice. The conflict of the story is Ethan and Lena trying to find a way to turn Lena light so they can stay together.…