• What is patent ?—A Patent is a intellectual
property right relating to inventions and is the grant of exclusive right ,for limited period provided by govt ,to the patentee in exchange of full disclosure of his invention, for excluding others ,from making, using ,selling ,importing the patented product for those purpose.
• Types of patents : 3 types.
• 1. ordinary patent.
• 2.patent of addition for improvement or modification of invention for which a patent has been applied or granted.
• 3.A patent granted in respect of convention under section 135 of the act.
• Intelectual property: I P, refers to creation of mind----innovations, industrial designs,literary and artistic work,symbols etc,used in commerce. • I .P--- Is divided in to two catogegories: industrial property, which includes inventions
(patents), trademarks,industrial designs,and geographic indications of source--• Copy rights, which includes literary and artistic works, novels,poems, plays ,films,and musical works. • Trademarks :A Trade mark may be a word, symbol, design or some combination of such,or it could be a slogan or even a particular sound that identifies the source or sponsorship of certain goods or services.
• A trade mark can last long till the mark continues to performits function.
• Define invention: As per section
2(1),(j),invention means any new and useful -!)Art,process,method or manner of manufacture • !!) Machine ,apparatus or other article
• !!!)Substance produced by manufacture.
• Invention also includes improvement of any of the above items.
Copy rights :--is basically the right to copy and make use of literary, dramatic musical, artistc works,films ,records and broadcasts .Copy rights are proprietory rights and come into existance as soon as the work is created.
• EMR under patent act:---Under patent law
EMR- stands for,exclusive