Individual Assignment
ACC 400 – Accounting for Decision Making
Case 13-4 Application of SFAC No. 13 and Case 13-5 Lease Classifications
July 4, 2010
Individual Assignment – Week Five
Case 13-4 Application of SFAC Number 13
A -The Theoretical Basis for the Accounting Standard that requires
certain long-term leases to be capitalized by the lessee
Certain condition for specific long-term leases that is the theoretical basis for
accounting standards. The condition that must be met for capital leases are as follows.
1. The contract for the lease has to be put in possession of the lessee at the end
of the lease time frame if not before.
2. The lease contract includes an option to buy the assets at a lower price.
3. The time frame of the lease contract has to be at least 75% if not more of the
predicted period of the asset.
4. When the lease contract begins, the current amount of installments should be
around 90% of the fair amount of the asset being leased.
B –How should Lani account for this lease at its inception and a determination
made of the amount recorded?
Lanie should be able to see the documented fair or current value of the upcoming
installments as debit to fixed assets and also the capital lease as credit to obligation.
C - Expenses related to this lease Lani incurs during the first year
of the lease, and how will they be determined?
The expenditure related to the lease Lani will incur should be in the form of a
prepared amortization table with the principal amounts and interest clearly separated for
each of the installments. The interest should be documented as an expense just as
depreciation will be documented as an expense on the assets leased.
D - How should Lani report the lease transaction on its December 31,
2006, balance sheet?