Front- office information systems support business functions that extend out to the organization’s customers (or constituents)
-Customer Management
Back- office information systems support internal business operations of an organization, as well as reach out to suppliers (of materials, equipment, supplies, and services)
-Financial Management
-Inventory Control
Information Systems Architecture
Information systems architecture- a unifying framework into which various stakeholders with different perspectives can organize and view the fundamental building blocks of information systems.
Focuses for information Systems * Knowledge- the raw materials used to create useful information. * Process- the activities( including management) * Communication- how the system interfaces with its users and other information system. *
System Owner’ view
-interested not in raw data bit in information that adds new business knowledge and information that help managers make intelligent decisions.
-business entities and business rules
System users’ view
-View data as something recorded on forms, stored in file cabinets, recorded in books and binders, organized into spreadsheets or stored in computer files and databases.
-tend to focus on the business issues as they pertain to the data.
-data requirement- a representation of users’ data in terms of entities, attributes relationships and rules independent of data technology.
System designers’ view
-data structures, data schemas, fields, indexes and constraints of particular database management system. System builders’ view
-DBMS or other data technologies.
System Owner’s view
Views of process (continued) * System designers’ view
-concerned with which processes to automate and how to automate them
-constrained by limitations of application development technologies being used.
-Software specification- the technical