Analog signal has a smooth consistency over a vary of time. An example of analog signal is voice. Digital signal is smooth, but after a period of time, it will change its consistency. An example of digital signal is text. 2. What is the function of a dial up modem?
A dial up modem, modulates the digital data received from a computer, and transfers it into an analog signal, which then transmits down a telephone line. The receiving dial up modem, demodulates the analog signal, turning it back into a digital signal. 3. What is a network? How is a local area network (LAN) different from a wide area network (WAN)
A network is a collection of computers ad devices connected by communication channels, that allows users to share resources with each other. LAN, is restricted to a network devices and computers connected together in a building.A WAN contains several LANs, not restricting to one building, rather than being connected within a state/country. 4. Describe the five main advantages of using a network over standalone computers?
Resource sharing; Able to share resources such as a printer.
Load reduction; Being able to share data, dividing work over a network, rather than on one computer.
Data Sharing; Being able to share data across the network.
Cost Reduction; Sending data via the network, rather than using a compact disc.
Communication; Easier communication over the network. 5. Why user dependence is considered a possible disadvantage of networks?
The users of the network rely on the network to operate correctly, if a file server develops a fault, the users of the network would be unable to use it. 6. What problem could eventuate if a network is not well managed?
The network may run less efficiently. 7. Describe four important tasks of a network operating system?
File management
Printer management
Administration 8. Identify the network