Liberal approach
In IPE terms, Liberalism is an approach associated with classical economic or neoclassical economics. Liberal view believes in freedom, for private powers at the expense of public power (government). Neoclassical economists, who are generally Liberals, believe firmly in the superiority of the market as a mechanism for allocation scarce resources.
Liberals believe the economic role of government should be quite limited. Many forms of government intervention in the economy intentionally or unintentionally restrict the market and thereby prevent potentially rewarding trades from occurring.
Liberals generally support the provision by government of certain public goods or services that benefit society and that would not be provided by private markets. For example, the government plays an important role in supplying the conditions necessary for the maintenance of a free and competitive market. Governments must provide the defence of the country, protect property rights, and prevent any unfair collusion or concentration of power within the market. The government should also educate its citizens, build infrastructure, and provide