Course Number: FIN 584 Semester: Fall 2014
Course Title: International Finance Office: Brennan Hall 310 Instructor: Dr. John N. Kallianiotis Office Hours: Tues.-Thurs.: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Thursday: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. and by appointment Telephone: 941-7577 and 941-4048 e-mail:
Required Text:
(I) Exchange Rate and International Financial Economics, by John N. Kallianiotis, Palgrave MacMillan, N.Y., 2013 (II) International Financial Transactions and Exchange Rates, by John N. Kallianiotis, Palgrave MacMillan, New York, 2013
Suggested Books:
1. Balance of Payments Adjustment: Macro Facets of International Finance Revisited, Edited by Augustine C. Arize et al., Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. 2000.
2. International Financial Markets, by Alan L. Tucker, Jeff Madura, and Thomas C. Chiang, West Publishing Company, New York, 1991.
3. The Wall Street Journal.
4. Additional articles will be put on reserve in our Library.
Description of Course:
This course is a detailed survey of the financial decision process in multinational corporations. Topics include the International Finance Environment, Exchange Rate Determination, Foreign Exchange Risks, Financing the Global Firm, Foreign Investment Decisions, Positioning of Funds, International Banking, Import and Export Financing, and other special topics on International Finance.
1. To give students a global view on Financial Management of Multinational Business and on World Financial Markets, Institutions, and Instruments. (Linked to KSOM’s Learning Goal #1A, 1B, and 4A, 4B).
2. To familiarize the students with the openness of the economies and the interdependence of the markets the ethical, social and justice issues in the international business environment. (Linked to KSOM’s Learning