Due: Day of Final Exam, Beginning of Class
Requirements: 3-5 pages, typed, 12pt Times New Roman font, and double-spaced. All key terms and concepts used should be in BOLD print (one letter grade deduction for failure to do this). Minimum 7 theories/concepts with support and explanation of each. Be specific.
Purpose: To analyze the communication events in one of the approved films below. The primary thing I am looking for is for you to use specific concepts and terms from the course (text or lecture). The idea is not to analyze the story of the film itself, or to make statements of value. I am not interested in whether or not the film was good or bad, only that you can find examples of principles from the course in action. I am familiar with all of the approved films, so lengthy plot summary is not required. Just briefly set up the scene you are going to use as an example. Below is an example of how you may set up an example.
In the film Gung Ho, the cultural differences between Japanese workers and American workers is often highlighted. Among the cultural qualities that are contrasted is the degree of collectivistic and individualistic leanings of the Japanese and American characters. In one scene, Willie, one of the American auto workers, wants to take the afternoon off to be with his child who is having his tonsils removed. Willie is upset because he will be docked for the time he will take off. His Japanese supervisor, Kazihiro, justifies this by pointing out that when employees are not at work, “work suffers.” For Kazihiro, the individual must sacrifice personal concerns for the greater good (the collective goals of the company), while Willie values individual nurturing for his immediate family.
The above would count for two concepts. I am looking for you to apply at least 7 concepts (though you may apply more if you wish). These concepts could be from any of the chapters we