FN 1030E – Fundamentals of Human Nutrition – 2014- 2015
Kim Sandiland, MScFN, RD
Room 107, Ursuline Hall
Email: ksandila@uwo.ca
Lisa Cianfrini, MScFN, RD
Room 107, Ursuline Hall
Email: lcianfri@uwo.ca
Dr. Julie Conquer, PhD
Room 107, Ursuline Hall
Email: jconque@uwo.ca
Office hours to be held after (Wed, Fri from 11:30am-12:30pm) or before (Mon from 1:15-2:15) each lecture. Professors will be rotating office days depending on teaching schedule. If you would like to speak to a specific professor, please email her. COURSE OUTLINE
An integrative study of the chemical nature, metabolic interactions and physiological roles of nutrients. Includes dietary requirements, sources of nutrients, current issues and concepts, local/global food/nutrition problems and factors affecting them: consumer behaviour, agricultural/industrial development, environment/population issues, national policies, and international agreements.
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
- discuss in detail the sources, chemical nature, metabolic interactions and physiological roles of known nutrients in human health
- plan a nutritious diet using consumer education tools, Dietary Reference
Intakes, and national dietary guidelines / food guides.
- discuss current local, national, and global food and nutrition issues
- critically evaluate current literature on a selected topic in food / nutrition
- evaluate barriers and facilitators to a healthy lifestyle
- appraise the environments within which food choices are made
- demonstrate leadership skills through effective and efficient group work
Registration limited to students in the Foods and Nutrition modules, the Nutrition and Families modules, or by permission of the Division.
Lectures will be based on texts, handouts, and assigned readings. The inclusion of