Control System
Lecture Outlines
Introduction to Control System
Basic Concept in Control
Examples of Control System
Control System Design
Design Example
1. Introduction
• What is system?
• What is control?
• What is control system?
What is system?
A system/process/plant is a segment of environment that is under consideration (working definition).
“An object or collection of objects whose properties we would like to study”
What is control?
Control is a term that describes the process of forcing a system to behave in a desired way in order to achieve certain objective(s)/goal(s).
What is a control system?
A control systems is an interconnection of components forming a system configuration that will provide a desired output.
A control system consists of subsystems and processes (plants) assembled for the purpose of controlling the outputs of the processes.
Why do we build control system?
We build control systems for four primary reasons:
Power amplification (gain)
Positioning a large radar antenna by low-power rotation of a knob.
Remote control
Robot arm used to pick up radioactive material.
Convenience of input form
Changing room temperature by thermostat position.
Compensation for disturbances
Controlling antenna position in the presence of large wind disturbance torque.
2. Basic Concept: Input Output Response
Output: Response variable that has certain behavior
Input: Flow of energy or material that cause the process to react
1. Manipulated Input: can be controlled
2. Disturbance Input: undesirable and out of human control
• Controller is used to control the required output that has changed by disturbance input.
• Regulator system: control system that has nearly fixed controlled output and only used to reject disturbance.
• Follow-up or tracking system: output required to follow a time varying input.