1. The CPT is the most important component in a computer because it is the part of the computer that runs programs.
2. 1, 0
3. Computer
4. Keywords or reserved words
5. Mnemonics
6. Compiler translates a high-level program in a separate machine language program while the interpreter is a program that both translates and executes the instructions in a high-level language program.
7. Operating system
Unit 1 Research Assignment 1: Exploring Programming Languages
Who was the creator of each of these languages?
• BLISS was developed by Carengie Mellon University
• KRL was developed by Xerox PARC, Terry Winograd at Stanford University
• Sue was developed by Holt at University of Toronto
• CDL was developed by Koster at University of Nijmegen
• Smalltalk was developed by Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls, Jr, Xerox PARC
When was each of these languages created?
• BLISS,1970
• KRL, 1971
• Sue, 1971
• CDL, 1971
• Smalltalk, 1972
Who was the creator of each of these languages? 1970, 1971, 1972
• CBASIC, Gordon Eubanks, 1980 IBM BASICA, Microsoft, 1981
• Speakeasy-IV, Stanley Cohen, at Speakeasy Computing Corporation, 1982
• Draco, Chris Gray, 1982
• PostScript, Warnock, 1982
• GW-BASIC, Microsoft, 1983
When was each of these languages created?1981, 1982, 1983
Who was the creator of each of these languages?
1990, Z Shell, Paul Falstad at Princeton University
1991, GNUE, David J. DeWitt, Michael J. Carey
1991, Oberon-2, Hanspeter Mossenbock, Wirth Van Rossum
1991, Python, Van Rossum
1991, Oz, Gert Smolka and his student
When was each of these languages created? 1990 and 1991
Who was the creator of each of these languages?
2000, Join Java, G Steward von Itzstein
2000, ActionScript, Gary Grossman
2000, Joy, von Thun
2000, D, Walter Bright
2000, XL, Christophe de Dinechin
When was each of these languages created? All in 2000