Comp 230
VBScript IP Array Report
In the space provided below, copy and paste your IP_Array.vbs Program Code. If it doesn’t fit, use the next page for the continuation of your sourcecode program
' VBScript: IP_Array.vbs
' Written by: Student Name
' Date: Today's Date
' Class: COMP230
' Professor: Professor Name
' ===================================
' Below is an initialize a 2-dimension
' array of IP Address. The first index
' +100 is the room# and the second index
' +1 is the computer# in the room. dim ipAddress(5,3) ipAddress(0,0)="" ipAddress(0,1)="" ipAddress(0,2)="" ipAddress(0,3)="" ipAddress(1,0)="" ipAddress(1,1)="" ipAddress(1,2)="" ipAddress(1,3)="" ipAddress(2,0)="" ipAddress(2,1)="" ipAddress(2,2)="" ipAddress(2,3)="" ipAddress(3,0)="" ipAddress(3,1)="" ipAddress(3,2)="" ipAddress(3,3)="" ipAddress(4,0)="" ipAddress(4,1)="" ipAddress(4,2)="" ipAddress(4,3)="" ipAddress(5,0)="" ipAddress(5,1)="" ipAddress(5,2)="" ipAddress(5,3)=""
'Define Script Variable roomStr="" compStr="" ansStr="" room=0 computer=0 ans=0
WScript.StdOut.Write("Please Enter the Room Number (100-105) .....") roomStr = WScript.StdIn.Readline() room = CInt(roomStr)
If room < 100 OR room > 105 Then
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(chr(7) & chr(7) & "Error, 100 to 105 Only!!!")
End If
Revision Date: 1213
Loop While room < 100 OR room > 105
WScript.StdOut.Write("Please Enter the Computer Number (1-4) ...... ")
In the space provided below to copy and paste the remainder of your IP_Array.vbs sourcecode. WScript.echo
End If
Loop While room <