Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of Salaam Alaykum (Islamic greeting- peace be upon you)
The principal beliefs of Islam are clearly described in the six pillars of Iman (Faith).
The most fundamental teaching is Tawhid the ‘doctrine of Oneness’ which means that Allah is the One, Unique God. He is the single, divine creator, nourisher and sustainer of the universe. Allah has supreme control over humankind. He has no equal, hence no other being is worthy of our worship. Importantly, Allah is both immanent and transcendent, and is thus unfathomable to man. This belief means that every Muslim is able to trust in and submit to the will of Allah.
Muslims also believe in the angels of Allah or the Mala’ika. They were created by God, to worship him, keep order in the universe and to deliver his important messages. Angels do not have free will as their duty is to simply obey the command of God, and carry out their designated tasks. Each person also has two angels which are responsible for recording their deeds. Although unable to be seen by the naked eye, they are capable of transforming into human form. For example, the angel Gabriel is recognised by Muslims as delivering the Qur’an to Muhammad.
Another essential belief is ‘kutubu’llah’, the Books of Allah. Muslims respect the Torah, the Psalms and the Gospel, as they are believed to have initially contained Allah’s revelation which was revealed to the prophets before Muhammad. However, it is also believed that these texts have been altered, and as a consequence they no longer fully represent the true words of God. Thus, the still authentic Qur’an, which is the last of the revealed books was sent down to correct the errors of the previous, and to offer complete guidance for mankind until the end of the world.
Muslims must also believe in all the messengers and prophets of God. At least twenty five prophets are mentioned in the Qu’ran. They were all human beings, who after receiving