Payroll tax Calculation System Requirements
-Salary Range 1 is 0.00 -1,499.99
-Salary Range 2 is 1,500.00-2,999.99
-Salary Range 3 is 3,000.00-4,999.99
-Salary Range 4 is 5,000.00-7,999.99
-Salary Range 5 is 8,000.00-14,999.99
-If the Salary Range is greater than 0.00, then the tax base is 0.00 plus 15% of the amount over 0.00 (amount-0.00*15%+0.00)
-If the Salary Range is greater than 1,500.00, then the tax base is $225.00 plus 16% of the amount in excess of 1,500.00 (amount -1,500.00*16%+225.00)
-If the Salary Range is greater than 3,000.00, then the tax base is $465.00 plus 18% of the amount in excess of 3,000.00 (amount-3,000.00*18%+465.00)
-If the Salary Range is greater than 5,000.00, then the tax base is $825.00 plus 20% of the amount in excess of 5,000.00 (amount-5,000.00*20%+825.00)
-If the Salary Range is greater than 8,000.00, then the tax base is $1425.00 plus 25% of the amount in excess of 8,000.00 (amount-8,000.00*25%+1425.00)
Input-Process-Output Chart
Get the amount of salary earned
GrossSalary (integer)
Salary (integer)
Calculate the total tax and adjusted net salary
GrossSalary (integer)
BaseTax (float)
AddlTax (float)
TotalTax (float)
NetSalary (float)
GrossSalary (integer)
BaseTax (float)
AddlTax (float)
TotalTax (float)
NetSalary (float)
Display the Gross Salary, Base Tax, Additional Tax and Adjusted Net Salary
(output to screen)
Main Module
Calculate Net Salary Module
DisplayGrossSalaryBaseTaxAdditionalTaxNetSalary Module
Main Module
Declare GrossSalary as