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1. (TCO A) Based on the examples in the chapter, if you were asked to formulate a plan for a regional drive-in restaurant chain's efforts to use information technology to develop a loyal customer base, what would be the best use of information technology from the list below? (Points : 8) | Use IT to increase supplier loyalty. Use IT to increase operational efficiency. Use IT to create new products and business models. Use IT to achieve customer intimacy. | 2. (TCO B) ________ are visual tools for presenting performance data in a BI system. (Points : 8) | Dashboards and scorecards Parameterized reports Reports and the drill-down feature Scenarios and models | 3. (TCO C) The type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in two-dimensional tables is the (Points : 8) | OODBMS. pre-digital DBMS. relational DBMS. hierarchical DBMS. | 4. (TCO D) IT staffing is reduced in a cloud computing environment because (Points : 8) | There is less infrastructure to manage and maintain. There is a reduction in local software installation on individual work-stations Most services required are available from the cloud All of the above | 5. (TCO E) Which of the following factors provides an understanding of why computing resources today are ever more available than in previous decades? (Points : 8) | network economics law of mass digital storage and Moore's law declining communications costs, universal standards, and the Internet all of the above | 6. (TCO F) Change is (Points : 8) | not welcome in any methodologies accepted often using traditional methodologies a foundational principle of agile