* Competitive space (also known as competitive advantage) * J. Co is known for its competitive advantages, especially against krispy kreme (top competitor). These are: 1. Price. Most of the donuts being sold by J. Co have a price of 42 pesos, and the others are sold for 45 pesos. To make potential customers to try all of them without being too conscious of the price.
50 pesos and above 2. They also made J. Pops, which are mini-sized donuts that has the same flavors as the medium sized donuts. This are made for people who are not that fond of eating big donuts as a snack, and it can also help customer to decide by trying first the small donuts before purchasing the bigger donuts. 3. J. Co donuts and coffee has a vibe of elegance in their products but in affordable price. 4. Strategically made their locations in malls all over metro manila. 5. Newness from brand to product. 2. Strategic Market segmentation
Following market segmentation J.CO Donuts & Coffee: 1. Geographic Segmentation * Marketing area J.CO Donuts & Coffee is now not only in Indonesia, but also extends to other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Australia. Looking ahead J.CO Donuts & Coffee will go to expand the international market. J.CO Donuts & Coffee tends to target the urban area. 2. Demographic Segmentation
Age: Everyone (except infants and people with medical conditions such as diabetes)
Gender: Male and female