Discussion- Testicular feminization syndrome also known as Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, is an X-linked recessive disorder of sexual differentiation. Baby born at birth is genetically male with 46 XY but phenotypically present as female. At puberty they attain secondary sexual characteristics with cryptorchidism. It is due to mutation in AR gene present on X-chromosome which is unresponsive to androgen stimulation leading to failure masculinization of external…
- Because girls have 2 X chromosomes, whereas boys only have 1. The extra X chromosome that they lack can protect their bodies form being completely overcome by the disorder.…
Jay’s father Don is a neurosurgeon, his mother Beth is a research scientist. During the interview Beth described Don as a, “functional alcoholic”. When Don was not on call he was described by Beth as displaying heavy drinking patterns and binge drinking. Three years prior to this interview, Don quit drinking when he realized that his son Jay had a problem. The parents report that Jay started drinking at the age of twelve. Their description of Jay’s drinking was at first experimental…
When the grandparents reproduced the condition could not be inherited by the male (1) because due to the previous punnet square, the female (2) is the carrier while the male only passes the XY gene over to his female children ..…
Born in Galveston on March 31,1878 to Henry and Tiny Johnson was the worlds first African American heavy weight champion of the world, Arthur (Jack) Johnson.…
Janie Crawford would be considered a woman who has been through many trials and tribulations in her young life. She is a woman of strength, confidence and experience with all of the many things she has gone through in her life, such a death. She has had three different husbands, and her second husband Jody Starks becomes very ill and dies. Finally, there is Tea Cake, whom she deeply cares for, but treats her poorly in such a way as to control Janie. She is used to the fact of death and everything that comes with it, and has a need to break out and become an independent woman. In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neal Hurston uses symbols to portray the antagonist in the story, Janie Crawford. As all of the trials and tribulations she goes through in her young life, there are many objects found in the novel that can portray meaning and symbolism in Janie Crawford’s life.…
Tay-Sachs disease is a fatal genetic lipid storage disorder in which harmful quantities of a fatty substance called ganglioside GM2 build up in tissues and nerve cells in the brain. The condition is caused by insufficient activity of an enzyme called beta-hexosaminidase A that catalyzes the biodegradation of acidic fatty materials known as gangliosides. Gangliosides are made and biodegraded rapidly in early life as the brain develops.…
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy is a recessive genetic disorder caused by a deficiency of the protein dystrophin, which is found in muscle cells. This disorder is usually only found in males. It has very rarely been found in females because they have two X chromosomes and the disease is recessive. They pass it on to one half of their sons and to one half of their daughters who become carriers. In the…
Each cell in the human body contains a total of 46 chromosomes, 22 of the pairs are the same for both sexes, but the final pair determines whether the individual is female or male. If the embryo is a female the chromosomal pattern will be XX, but if the embryo is male the chromosomal pattern will be XY. The chromosomal make-up of the sperm that fertilises the egg determines an individual’s sex. If the sperm carries an X chromosome, the embryo will be female, but if the sperm carries a Y chromosome the embryo will be male.…
In the recent decades, the worldwide shark population has experienced a drastic decline. This is a result of the over-hunting of sharks for their fins. Shark finning- the practice of catching a shark and removing its fins from the rest of its carcass- has become more common as the shark fin trade continues to grow. Sharks are currently being hunted at a much faster rate than they can reproduce, and if the hunting is not stopped, it will lead to their extinction. Despite its cultural significance and the economic benefits that can be gained from it, this trade must be discontinued to prevent the extinction of sharks.…
7 (2008, March 21). 47,XYY syndrome. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from Genetics Home Reference Web site: http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition=47xyysyndrome…
Boys and girls can both be affected, but because boys have only one X chromosome, a single fragile X is likely to affect males more severely. You can have fragile X syndrome even if your parents do not have it.…
Most of my time here at the national assembly has been chaotic, mostly because my ideas seem somewhat nutty to people who aren’t in favor of the revolution. My plan is to not publicize newspapers for the simple fact we are under attack by every single faction within this assembly. The Jacobins have deliberated with each other, and we know where we want to take this, but my fear is one of the “rightsiders” will see our ploy in our writing and cry out giving it attention. The internal foundation of the Jacobin club, I believe, will be secrecy. If we are silent we can take over in silence without anyone knowing such an event is occurring.…
As we all know there can be mistakes during the division in sex cells and that’s actually were turner syndrome comes into place. During the division of parent’s sex cells, sometimes there can be part or all of the X-chromosome missing. In some disorders there are only a few symptoms but unfortunately it’s the other way around, like I mentioned before. Starting off with puffy hands and feet at birth, webbed neck, prominent ears, low hair line at the back of the neck, soft fingernails, and one of the main symptoms is a shot stature. I know that I would not like to have those attributes.…
Turner Syndrome is a genetic disorder that effects development in women, per TurnerSyndrome.Org. Women who have Turner Syndrome have one X Chromosome instead of two full X Chromosomes that most females are born with. One of the X chromosomes are “dropped” during Meiosis, when the sex cells divide to form eggs in females. It is not usually inherited. Turner Syndrome can affect the development of several body systems in those who have them. Turner Syndrome is believed to be a random error during the formation of eggs and sperm. There is no significate scientific data to support the theory that Turner Syndrome is caused by advanced maternal age. There is also not enough evidence to suggest women of a certain ethnic group are affected more than others. Kidshealth reports that it affects around one girl in every two thousand five hundred girls. Rarediseases.org also reports that an estimated 70,000 women in the United States of America have Turner Syndrome.…