Still indomitable was the reply--"I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will keep the law given by God; sanctioned by man. I will hold to the principles received by me when I was sane, and not mad--as I am now. Laws and principles are not for the times when there is no temptation: they are for such moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigour; stringent are they; inviolate they shall be. If at my individual convenience I might break them, what would be their worth? They have a worth--so I have always believed; and if I cannot believe it now, it is because I am insane--quite insane. (408)
Her conscience and reason have been described as betraying her and siding with her passion and feelings side, causing an inner-conflict that is threatening the resonance of her identity. This clash between Jane’s passion and reasoning strongly illustrates key reoccurring themes throughout the novel, including the assertion of her strong, female identity as well as resisting patriarchal forces that