Essay Jasper Jones (book.)
Japer Jones written by Craig Silvey and yolongu boy directed by Stephen Johnston. Have intertextuality because they share the same key themes. That occurs quite frequently in today’s society. The following Key Themes are: Judgements, Child Abuse, and Boundaries. The book and the movie both share life learning’s and how your everyday decisions effect. Not the just you but the people around you.
Today’s day and age in society judge people by their names looks and their job title. People just judge with out thinking about how the person’s personalities are. In society people think oh yeah their a pope so there good. When actually there paedophiles. It’s the same in the book when people just expected for Laura’s Dad to be a good kind person because he’s the Mayor. The public just see him how he wants to be viewed. People don’t really think about what’s going on the behind the scenes. Today’s society just judges them by their looks and their public view.
Some people have children too young in life they suffer the consequences. It’s not just them that suffer it there children as well. As in Japer Jones Jasper is abused by His father. Because his mother died and Jasper’s father wasn’t ready to be a Dad. Japer’s father is also alcoholic when he gets drunk he beats and abuses Jasper, so Jasper left. In the result of this Japer is called quote “A thief, a liar and a thug.” By people of Corrigan. Jasper had to depend on himself because of his father couldn’t cope with his responsibilities as a parent. He had to grow up as quickly as he could to survive. Jasper didn’t have money so he had to still the basics of life. Child abused also happens when Laura’s dad bashes and rapes her. Laura tells her Mum and her mum denies it. I think it’s because she is also scared of her Husband. Child abuse happens daily in society many people are survivors. People where and are abused because their parents couldn’t deal with their responsibilities.